Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Octavia E. Butler, Science Fiction Writer, Dies At 58001

___, Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita, Book of good love, introduction and transcription of the Toledo Codex ... by M. Criado de Val and E.W. Naylor, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1977. Ducamin, ed. Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita, Book of Good Love, Toulouse, Privat, 1901 (Bibliothéque Méridionale, s. 1, t. Vi) (reprint New York, Johnson, 1972; Ann Arbor, University Microfilms, 1980).

García, Michel, "Le' Book of good love 'avant Tomás Antonio Sánchez ", Cahiers de linguistique hispanique 22 (1998-1999), pp. 53-81. Gybbon-Monypenny, ed. , Arcipreste de Hita, Book of good love, Madrid, Castalia, 1988. Joset, Jacques, New research on the 'Book of good love ', Madrid, Chair, 1988.

Joset, ed. , Archpriest of Hita, Book of good love, ed. Jacques Joset, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1974; Madrid, Austral, 19881; Madrid, Taurus, 1990. Jury, José, Bibliography on Juan Ruiz and his 'Book of good love', Madrid, CSIC, 1993. Lida, María Rosa, 'Notes for the interpretation, influence, sources and text of the' Book of good amor '», Revista de Filología Hispánica 2 (1940), pp. 105-150.

Mignani, Rigo, "Le due redazioni del' Book of good love '", Quaderni Ibero-Americani 37 (1969), pp. 1-7. ___, "The' joys 'of the Virgin in the 'Book of Juan Ruiz'", I, Journal of Spanish Philology 63 (1983), pp. 223-290. ___, «The' joys 'of the Virgin in the 'Book of Juan Ruiz'», Magazine of Spanish Philology 64 (1984), pp. 1-69.

Muñoz Garrigós, José, "The manuscript T of the' Book of good love '", Annals of the University of Murcia 35 (1976-1977), pp. 147-225. Orduna, Germán, "The' Book of Good Love 'and the Book of the Arcipreste ", La Corónica (1988), pp. 1-7. Real de la Riva, ed. , Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita, Book of good love, historical-critical study and textual transcription of the Salamanca Codex by César Real de la Riva, Madrid, EDILAN, 1975.

___, Books, tapestries and paintings that Isabel la Católica collected, Madrid, CSIC, 1950. Varvaro, Alberto, "Nuovi studi sul' Book of good love '", Romance Philology 23 (1968-1969), pp. 133-157. ___, "The original status of the G-hand of the' Book of Good Love '", Romance Philology 23 (1969-1970), pp. 549-556.

Zahareas, ed. , Juan Ruiz, Book of the Arcipreste (also called 'Book of good love '), synaptic edition of Anthony n. Zahareas, with the collaboration of Thomas McCallum, Madison, Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1989. Yearbook of the Instituto Cervantes 1998, Madrid: Arco Libros, Instituto Cervantes. This is a list of the 10 known books that I have not read and a small explanation.

For all these reasons, in this list of the best self-help and self-improvement books I have prioritized those whose teachings have been corroborated by scientific studies and have proven their effectiveness in hundreds of participants. It is an easy-to-read book, with sharp reflections and devoid of ornaments that impel you to rethink your values ​​in life, one of the greatest pillars of self-help and that few works deal with the importance it deserves. If you have also verified that the positive thinking taken to the extreme and the typical motivational phrases "of Mr. Wonderful's cups are useless, this is the first book on the list that you should read.

After more than 10 years researching the science of personal development, I decided to write a work that collected the best of each of the previous books. If you miss in this list books like Your wrong areas, The Secret The 6 pillars of self-esteem, you are correct. I consider that reading this type of books is one of the best ways to start and start the journey towards our best version.

Today I will talk about my 10 favorite autoconclusive books (idea that I copied from the Calu channel of My World is in your pages and then I saw in other booktube channels). Almost all of best science fiction audiobooks these books are perfect for reading in the summer when you have a reader block. A story that involves many other famous stories ... that reminds us of old books we have read and loved.

I also have to read Colleen Hoover, all his books look amazing. Under the same star was that book that everyone loved and because I was dealing with cancer, I didn't want to read because top sci fi audiobooks books that touch terminal diseases make me morbid. What beautiful books you mentioned <3333 Love, love, love I'll give you the sun and Where rainbow ends, both are beautiful.

In my opinion, based on the two books I have read of Morgan Matson (Amy and Roger's epic detours and Second Chance Summer) the narrative of this author seems boring and very extensive to tell me something that could be explained in one line. A book to read carefully, a few, to taste the intensity and the reflection of being seen in some lines that might seem a personalized self-portrait. This novel is the tenth of the Fjällbacka series, so if you have not started reading it, we recommend you start with The Ice Princess, the book that starts this saga and was published in 2007.

Other books from previous years that we find interesting to continue reading during this year 2019 are: The Black Swan "by Nassim Taleb, a famous shredder of the theories of economic forecasts, is a highly recommended book for merchants, who first of all You should read this book to be introduced into the world of commerce.

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